Welcome to the Colorado backcountry

The vast acreage of wilderness and backcountry beauty in Colorado make it one of the more popular locations for camping, backpacking, and day-hiking.

In addition to a eight National Parks and Monuments, Colorado boasts an equal number of Wilderness Areas, millions of acres of National Forest and BLM land, and over three dozen state parks.

From mountains to deserts, and grasslands to canyons, one could spend a lifetime hiking the trails of Colorado and not cover all of them.

Your day pack contents - what to carry on every hike in the mountains

It may sound like a cliche, but the weather in the mountains is very unpredictable.  It can snow any month of the year, and afternoon thunderstorms are very common in the summer.  Being prepared, by bringing the right things in your pack, can make the difference between a pleasant backcountry outing and a very uncomfortable - or dangerous - day in the wilderness.

  • A day pack should be large enough to hold your things, and have a hip-belt for both support and stability.  Pockets and loops for strapping on additional items are helpful.
  • Water - I bring two liters for every hike, and a water filter for long days.  It's easy to get dehydrated in the upper elevations, especially on strenuous hikes.
  • Sunscreen, lip balm, sunglasses, and sun hat - the high altitude sun is laser-like, and can scorch your skin in little time
  • Rain jacket and rain pants - the waterproof and breathable materials are well worth the extra cost; they're much more comfortable and keep you drier because they allow your body's moisture to evaporate
  • Fleece jacket and pants - there have been days in June and August when I was glad to have the added warmth of a fleece layer under my rain gear; if you have room, throw in a fleece hat and gloves
  • First aid kit, LED flashlight, butane lighter, pocketknife, and some nylon cord - you probably won't use them, but they take up little space, and you'll be damn glad you have them should the need arise
  • Food - you know what your body needs, so adjust accordingly; I tend to favor fruit (dried and fresh), nuts, cheese, and crackers, because they pack a lot of calories in a small amount of space and are very satisfying
  • A good topographic map - so many of the trails are easy to follow, and as you gain experience you'll be more confident in your ability to find your way around, but maps are helpful in identifying surrounding landmarks and knowing your elevation
  • Camera - whether it's a lightweight point-and-shoot or a fancy DSLR, you'll want to capture the scenery to share with friends and family
  • OPTIONAL (items that aren't necessary, but make things more comfortable if you're willing to carry them) - toilet paper, camp chair, light tarp (with grommets), camera tripod, spare socks
  • CLOTHING - the new wickable fabrics make life outside so much more comfortable, as they pull moisture away from the skin, keeping you dry and warm; whether you wear boots or sturdy shoes is your choice, but respect your feet in your choice of both footwear and socks - your feet are your way back to the trailhead